Traveller's Tales'LEGO series is a glorious family-friendly adventure series covering some of the greatest media franchises of all time. Their first big hit wasLEGO Star Wars in 2005, and the series has been going strong ever since.

To pay tribute to the first game and get fans excited for the epicLEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga, the following list will present the ten funniestLEGO Star Wars memes out on the web. While a lot of sadness occurs in the films, even the biggest tragedies of the lore appear cute when plastic LEGO pieces are dramatically reenacting them.

10 Honoring True Heroes

Honor the rebel alliance

Too often does social media celebrate feats of nothing. People have made careers being influencers, getting paid and trying to swindle businesses for free goodies in exchange for exposure and advertisements. When are we going to use the power of the Internet to honor real heroes like those who gave their lives for the Rebel Alliance? How would the First Order mysteriously rise to power if these brave men and women hadn't first taken down the Empire? We bet you're too ashamed or embarrassed to post this photo and caption for fear of being laughed at.

9 The Ideal Body

Ideal body lego star wars

People usually have a misunderstanding of what the perfect body looks like. Thinness and six-packs are usually what is considered the peak of physical beauty. Little do they realize, being red with small horns protruding from the forehead is the true sign of aesthetic perfection. After all, red does symbolize beauty in most Slavic cultures, so it only makes sense for the perfect body to be of the same color. Darth Maul should have given up his evil ways and gone for a career as a galactic fashion model. If he had, he would probably still have his legs.

8 Rockstar Is Behind The Curb

Lego Star Wars Character Roster Meme

Why did Rockstar Games think they were so special when they announced three playable protagonists for Grand Theft Auto V when the LEGO games already allowed for people to utilize dozens of characters?

Players could also tackle the games with a buddy on a couch. The ruse worked, however, and GTA V is one of the most successful pieces of media ever, whileLEGO Star Wars is remembered as a great family game, but not as the masterpiece it is. Maybe one day the game will earn its due respect.

7 What Men Want

What men really want lego star wars

Men are not a monolith. Some maybe would rather have the woman in the above example. Any dude with his priorities straight, however, knows what's really important in life. No better feeling exists in the universe than obtaining all the collectibles in a LEGO Star Wars level. Those who feel different should take a good hard look at their own life and try to assess what's truly valuable on earth and what is simply a vice or temptation.

6 Vegan Trooper

Clone Trooper Vegan

One may find it strange to see a clone trooper abstaining from dairy and meat. Perhaps they follow the myth insisting strong bodies require the nutrients from animal products. This is a lie, however, and more athletes around the world are adopting a vegan lifestyle while maintaining their rigorous exercise routines.

Clone troopers in the galaxy far, far away could also sustain a healthy living on just plants. It wouldn't affect their accuracy one bit while they are mowing down Jedi during Order 66.

5 Bar Brawl

Lego Star Wars Lobby Brawl

Thank goodness the penalty for death in LEGO Star Wars is minimal. Friends enjoy taking out their grievances against one and another while in the lobby selecting a level. They can do it on a mission too, but the lobby is a safer space where outside threats do not disturb. Few things are more satisfying than seeing one's co-op partner deteriorate into little blocks after blasting them away or slicing them to bits. The only thing to worry about afterward is swift and just vengeance.

4 Unnatural Abilities

Palpatine Lego Star Wars Memes

Were these the abilities Palpatine spoke about to Anakin? If so, is it the same thing he discusses with Kylo in The Rise of Skywalker. We completely sympathize with the aspiring Sith apprentices if this is the power they sought out.

After all, not being able to open those pesky pathways is a real pain the neck when going through a LEGO Star Wars adventure. If only a single Jedi possessed the ability to open all the pathways using the Force, regardless of its affiliation to the dark or light side. Maybe such power is forbidden because it would destroy the universe.

3 The Real Star Wars

The real star wars

Star Wars means so many things to different people, and certain fans feel a stronger connection to the varied trilogies and series. Everybody knows deep down in their hearts, however, that only one true Star Wars exists - LEGO Star Wars. Granted, it is a parody of the existing media surrounding the series, but it captures the innocence and joy we all felt watching those movies for the first time before bickering and arguments tore fandoms apart and upset fans started crying for Disney to undo The Last Jedi.


Lego Star Wars dirty joke

The implications of this meme most likely wouldn't give any malicious ideas to Star Wars fans. How often does Internet fanfiction put beloved characters into NSFW situations? Most stories written by fans are just new perspectives and "what if" scenarios further exploring the beloved characters, right? Even if the LEGO characters were being used for something unsavory, we would never find out. Fortunately, newer games added voice acting, giving the LEGO a means of defending itself and pointing out the culprit.

1 Could Still Happen In A Movie

Lego star wars indiana jones crossover meme

Fans talk about Avengers: Infinity War like it was the second coming, but it is not like crossover events did not exist beforehand. Besides, nothing could possibly top Dr. Henry Jones hanging out with Jedi in a galaxy far, far away. Harrison Ford's career is still going strong, so a live-action version of the above picture could still happen in the future. If it ever did come to pass, the MCU would be a thing of the past. On a related note, we hope the fifth Indiana Jones film starts production soon.

next: 10 TimeSplitters Memes That Make Us Want TimeSplitters 4 Immediately