Troubleshooting an HTTP 500 internal server error is similar solving a mystery.

You don't know what exactly happened or why it happened — all y'all know is that something's incorrect and y'all need to fix it.

To guide y'all through the hassle of troubleshooting the dreaded HTTP 500 internal server error, let's go over what it exactly means and its most mutual causes and solutions.

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Here's what your 500 fault page might look like in your browser:

screenshot of an http 500 internal server error message example

How to Ready a 500 Internal Server Mistake

Dissimilar other server-side errors like a 502 code or a 503 code, a 500 internal server error is information technology doesn't immediately tell yous what the problem is, nor does information technology tell you how to fix it. If the error persists for too long on your site, it could even negatively touch your SEO.

So, let's swoop into a few potential causes of the error. And then, nosotros'll nowadays some solutions so you can effort to fix the effect.

Potential Causes of a 500 Internal Server Error

A 500 internal server error is, as the name implies, a general problem with the website's server. More than than likely, this means in that location's an effect or temporary glitch with the website'south programming.

Some potential causes of a 500 internal server error include:

  • Corrupted or broken .htaccess file
  • A permissions mistake
  • Faulty tertiary-party plugins or themes
  • The PHP retention limit being exceeded

Fortunately, there are a few effective solutions for fixing most of these problems.

If You're Trying to Load a Page with a 500 Internal Server Mistake:

1. Refresh the folio.

This might seem obvious, merely if it's a temporary loading issue, you lot might find success if y'all refresh the folio. Before trying anything else in this listing, reload the page and see what happens.

two. Come dorsum later on.

Since the error is on the server side, I'chiliad willing to bet the website owners are working equally quickly as possible to resolve the issue. Give it a few minutes or up to an hr or so, and then reload the URL and meet if the evolution squad has stock-still the effect.

3. Delete your browser'due south cookies.

If clearing the browser history doesn't work, you might try deleting your browser'due south cookies. If the cookies are associated with the error-prone webpage, deleting the cookies might help reload the page.

four. Paste your URL into the website "Down for Everyone or But Me."

Head to and paste in the URL where you're seeing the internal server mistake. You'll either exist told that the website is just down for you lot, or that the website is down for anybody.

the homepage of displaying the http 500 internal error status of youtube.comIf it'due south a trouble with your server, this should aid assuage whatsoever concerns that it's an issue with your own computer.

If the 500 Internal Server Mistake is on Your Ain Website:

1. Deactivate a plugin or theme.

Newly activated software, add-ons, or third-political party scripts might be alien with your current server configuration. To decide this, effort (carefully) deactivating or uninstalling your software add-ons i at a time to identify what exactly is causing the internal server mistake.

If you run a WordPress website, this is piece of cake to exercise with plugins. From your dashboard, choose Plugins > Installed Plugins, and so deactivate the first plugin. If the error resolves, you know this plugin is function of the effect. Reactivate the first plugin, then repeat this deactivate-reactivate process one at a time for all plugins to determine which ones are causing your error.

list of active plugins on a wordpress site and a deactivate button to resolve an http 500 internal server errorYou might detect that having fewer active plugins on your site helps things run more smoothly.

Alternatively, if you but upgraded your software, your electric current plugins or themes might not be uniform with the new upgrade. Deactivating plugins or themes one at a time until the mistake disappears is the best way to find the root cause of your problem.

2. Employ a plugin similar WP Debugging to identify the issue.

If your site is powered by WordPress and you're comfy with WordPress debugging processes, consider installing a plugin to help you identify the result with your server.

The debug plugin WP Debugging, for case, helps you figure out exactly what'southward wrong with your site, which volition upshot in a speedier set.

download page for the wp debugging plugin to help resolve the http 500 internal server error in wordpress

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3. Ensure your PHP setup is configured correctly.

If the result is related to a PHP timeout, consider creating timeout rules or error handling in your script to resolve the issue. Here'south a full list of php.ini directives to configure your PHP setup.

Additionally, wrong permissions on a file or folder that has a script, like a PHP or CGI script, won't allow the script to run. Check your permissions and brand sure you fix them correctly on your server.

4. Check the code for your site'due south .htaccess file.

Incorrect coding or improper construction with your .htaccess file could be the reason you're seeing the 500 internal error. The .htaccess file helps you lot manage how long resources should be stored in a browser'south cache. Effort editing the file if yous're seeing a 500 internal server error.

To locate your .htaccess file, access your website files through a file manager like cPanel or via FTP/SFTP. The file will probably exist located in your public_html directory. At that place'southward a good chance your server will hide this file from view by default and you'll demand to toggle subconscious files on to meet it.

a server file directory highlighting the htaccess file to resolve the http 500 internal server error

Paradigm Source

Coding errors in .htaccess and custom scripts can also crusade an HTTP 500 internal server error.

five. Ensure your new software is installed correctly.

Finally, check to see if your recently installed or upgraded software actually failed to install or upgrade. To refresh your software, check the vendor's website for instructions.

How to fix a 500 internal server error

Terminal Resort: Enquire a Server Ambassador for Help

If troubleshooting pop software problems or debugging server-side scripts doesn't fix your HTTP 500 internal server fault, you should read near the about common causes for this type of issue in your server'due south documentation — an HTTP 500 internal server error can occur in different operating systems for a multitude of reasons.

You can also ask your service provider to admission your fault logs and detect evidence for the root crusade of your problem.

Internal server errors are irritating considering they're unhelpful — it's basically the web server'south way of saying, "Eh, I'chiliad non sure." Hopefully, one of the above steps will resolve the trouble so you tin can get back to life as usual.

Editor's note: This post was originally published in October 2018 and has been updated for comprehensiveness.

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Originally published Jul 29, 2021 ane:00:00 PM, updated July 29 2021